Nell's photos.

Nine months old

Photos of Nell, showing off her sitting and climbing skills, her first tooth and splashing in some water.

Nell looking
Nell spots one of Max's toys within reach...

Sitting Nell
Look! She can sit!!

Nell pondering
It's actually a bit of a challenge getting a photo of Nell not smiling! But here is one, and isn't she just as gorgeous?

Nell grinning
Cheeky little girl!

Nell and Daddy
Bouncing on Dadddy's knee.

Nell climbing!
Nell climbing!

Nell grabbing
Nell reaching for the camera, the cheeky monkey girl!

Nell climbing!
More climbing!

Nell kneeling
Somehow, I didn't manage a single photo of her actually standing. But here she is in the kneeling position! Just trust me that she can pull herself to standing too now!

Nell kneeling
Again, with the kneeling!

First tooth!
A tooth! A palpable (and very chewable!) tooth!

First tooth!
Another shot of that cute little pearl!

What can I say? Isn't she gorgeous?

Nell helping Max
Nell helping Max fill his watering can.

Nell splishing
Splish! Splash!